Upcoming apps
Release dates and features
Real-time participation
Students are able to join to virtual sessions created by their teacher to answer questions and complete assessments individually in class.
Teachers are able to project overall performance of the class and discuss questions by having a detailed performance report.
Performance report export
After each session, teachers are able to export their students answer as a csv file that contain complete report about each student's performance during class sessions.
Customization of the app
Teachers are able to modify the content: create their own selected list of models for study, develop their own content and import it to Roqed Science.
No personal data
Students will enter virtual sessions using their nicknames or IDs assigned by their teacher. Roqed will not collect any personal information about any student.
Multi-user experience
Students and teachers are able to manipulate any object in a virtual 3D space: dissect, rotate, participate and engage together.
Academix 3D coming soon!

Unlimited Possibilities
Made in France
Unlimited Possibilities
World-class Design

Meet The Speakers
Jenny Murtaugh
Web designer
Lead web designer at pixfort labs in France.
Marco Alves
Chief design officer
Lead web designer at pixfort labs in France.
Joana Leite
Content manager
Lead content manager at pixfort labs in France.
Nadine Petrolli
Support manager
Lead support manager at pixfort labs in France.