ROQED Medical

ROQED Medical is a unique program that enables students to interactively model pathological changes in various diseases and syndromes on 3D models of human organs. It enables them to improve their skills in recognition of morphological changes and knowledge in pathology.

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Explore detailed content in ROQED Medical

  • All
  • Digestive Disorders and Gastrointestinal Diseases
  • Diseases and Disorders of the Nervous System
  • Diseases of the Liver and Biliary System
  • Endocrine System Diseases
  • Heart Diseases and Vascular Diseases
  • Kidney Diseases and Renal Failure
  • Lung Diseases
  • Pathology of Infectious Diseases
  • Rheumatic Heart Diseases
Acute catarrhal gastritis
Acute erosive gastritis
Acute glomerulonephritis
Acute hepatitis
Acute lung injury (acute respiratory distress syndrome)
Acute massive hepatic necrosis
Acute necrotizing gastritis (gastric gangrene)
Acute necrotizing pancreatitis (fat necrosis)
Acute phlegmonous cholecystitis
Acute rheumatic carditis (“Aschoff nodules”)
Acute tubular necrosis
Acute viral bronchitis
Adrenal cortical adenoma
Adrenal metastases
Alzheimer’s disease
Atherosclerosis (Type III)
Atherosclerosis (Type V)
Atherosclerosis (Type VI)
Atherosclerosis (Type VII)
Atherosclerotic cardiosclerosis (focal cardiosclerosis)
Atherosclerotic kidneys

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