Structure mode
This mode is a virtual 3D world where teachers and students can analyze, rotate, and
explore models from any angle. Exploration mode provides a complete kinesthetic
learning experience.
For your convenience, depending on your comfortable position relative to the board,
you have quick access to the main functions on both sides of the screen.

Model Breakdown and Object Movement
These two functions allow you to disassemble any model into component parts and
move them. The first press of the "Disassemble Model" button breaks the objects into
pieces, and pressing it again assembles them back together.
You can also individually study the structure of the model by moving each object
separately by clicking the button “Interaction”.

Initiate auto-exploration by clicking the “Play” button. The camera will orbit around
objects from all sides, and a voiceover will provide descriptions of each object.
You can adjust the voice volume in the settings window.
To navigate between objects, you have two options: you can use the "Next" and
"Previous" buttons or utilize the object list.

Test tasks allow students to reinforce their knowledge of the material and identify
problematic areas.
Roqed Science includes three types of test tasks:
- Assembly;
- Select;
- Labels.
You can learn more about each individually below.

Auto-Questions: Assembly
This type of task requires you to assemble a model into its initial position by dragging
This helps students visually memorize the placement of all objects.
Drag objects to their initial positions. The program highlights the correct position for
the first three objects.
After a correct answer, the screen will light up in green, and for an incorrect answer, it
will light up in red.
To prevent accidental object movements, you can temporarily disable the "Movement"
button, which is enabled by default.
A small window on the side panel displays the time and the number of assembled
You can finish the "Auto-Questions" mode anytime by clicking the "Finish" button.
Results are saved in the system, and when exiting the lesson, you will be asked to save the results to your computer..

Auto-Questions: Select
In this type of task, you need to select the designated objects on the scene.
The task is displayed at the top of the screen. Highlight objects on the scene and click
the "Confirm" button. Alternatively, you can skip to the next task by clicking "Skip."
For a correct answer, the screen will light up in green, and for an incorrect answer, it will
light up in red.

Auto-Questions: Labels
This type of task allows you to test the student's knowledge by dragging the provided
options to the corresponding objects.
Labels with object names are displayed at the bottom of the screen. Hold the label and
move it to the corresponding object. When hovering over the object, it will be
For a correct answer, the screen will light up in green, and for an incorrect answer, it will
light up in red.